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Belonging to the Earth

Belonging to the Earth

Belonging to the Earth: Nature Spirituality in a Changing WorldBy Julie BrettWith contributions from Jo Clancy, Kristoffer Hughes, David King, Bruce and Patricia Shillingsworth, and Peter Williams. 
Foreword by Carole Cusack
Belonging to the Earth is a collection of personal insights, stories of journeys and rituals, community events and conversations between activists, First Nations community leaders, and those practicing nature spirituality. Each part of the book offers thoughtful and personal perspectives about connecting with the land, paying respect to ancestral traditions, Indigenous cultures and First Nations people, and finding ways to practice nature spirituality with integrity. Each part of the journey of the book explores how we can all come together to work for a better future where each of us comes into an understanding of how each of us belongs to the Earth.

If you purchase here, direct from  the author, you will receive a signed copy with a free gift of three art postcards and a bookmark. 


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