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Nature Journaling

Julie Brett teaches classes in nature journaling and creating local wheels of the year both online, and in-person at the Good Earth Bookshop in Wentworth Falls and at The Little Village Co. Cafe in North Katoomba. Weekly classes occur within NSW term dates:


10:30am Tuesdays - Online 1hr

5:30pm Tuesdays - In-person 2hrs at The Little Village Co. Cafe, Minnihaha Rd, Katoomba

10:30am Wednesdays - In-person 2hrs at The Good Earth Bookshop, Wentworth Falls


Please see the item descriptions for more details. 


Introduction to Nature Journaling E-book Course

Learn in your own time with this ebook explaining everything you need to know to get started with nature journaling.


Nature journaling is a wonderful way to get to know your local area; its plants and animals, seasons and cycles, weather, ecologies, geology and history. 


The e-book contains guidance on breaking through mental barriers that hold us back in art making, practical techniques for getting started and working with watercolour paints and pen art styles. There are also many techniques for working either indoors or outdoors, with photos and cuttings, creating page layouts and adding text to your page, as well as lists of ideas to take you through the seasons of the year and help you deeply explore every aspect of the place you live. 


A wealth of information and ideas to help you begin your own nature journaling adventure, whether you're heading out on the trail, working in the garden, in a classroom, or at home.



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